主要的事情崔之元 │ 「新三位一體」:供給側結構性改革,雙循環和共同富裕


崔之元 │ 「新三位一體」:供給側結構性改革,雙循環和共同富裕




世界上的「市場經濟」並無統一的製度安排。德國的「社會市場經濟」賦予職工多於英美的「股東至上主義」的參與企業管理和分配決定的權利。中國的「社會主義市場經濟」中出現了華為員工持股的著名案例。1990年,華為首次提出員工持股的概念,當時職工參股的價格為每股10元,華為稅後利潤的15%作為股權分紅。2001年,華為推出「虛擬受限股」改革,此類「虛擬股票」享有一定分紅權和股價升值權,但不能轉讓和出售,離職時即失效。這和西班牙「蒙德拉貢合作社」的「職工內部資本賬戶」概念有一些共同點[1]。2008年,華為進一步給所有工齡一年以上的職工配股,每股4.04元,如果員工沒有足夠現金來購買股票,華為以公司名義向銀行提供擔保,使得職工貸款購買股票。2013年,華為又實施了「時間單位計劃」(TUP,Time-Based Unit Plan),這是一項以5年為一個週期的對中外職工都適用的利潤分享計劃[2]。華為這一制度安排,屬於「初次分配」,但顯然不能用籠統的「靠市場」來解釋。正如《哈佛商學評論》的一篇文章認為,華為選擇員工持股和利潤分享,是任正非的公平和效率相統一的理念所致[3]。實際上,華為的員工持股制度(任正非本人至今只佔華為總股份的1.4%)是在「初次分配」上也兼顧效率與公平的「共同富裕」的成功案例。


(屬於「二次分配」)有關,又和社會精神生活緊密相聯。「聖經」的「馬太福音」裡有一段影響深遠的耶穌的名言:「我實在告訴你們:財主進天國是難的。我又告訴你們,駱駝穿過針的眼,比財主進神的國還容易呢」。奧古斯丁在擔任希波主教的35年裡(公元396-430),曾做了六千多次佈道,反復強調和論證富人進天國比駱駝穿過針眼還難,除非富人最後放棄財富。當時的富人信徒紛紛請專業的速記員來記錄奧古斯丁說的每一句話[5]。當然不是只有基督教信徒才會做慈善捐贈。中國的「儒商」傳統也會對富人有一定壓力作用,但其強度可能沒有「富人進天國比駱駝穿過針眼還難」那樣大。總之,在自願基礎上的「第三次分配」,和一個社會的精神生活密切相關,特別是和相關人士的價值觀有關,不是籠統的「靠社會」的說法可以說明的。據英國「經濟學人」雜誌2021年11月20日報導,亞馬遜創始人Jeff Bezos(他擁有亞馬遜16%的股份,和任正非擁有華為1.4%的股份形成反差)的前妻小說家Mackenzie Scott(目前是世界第22位富人)成為近來捐贈額度最大,速度最快的慈善家,在2020年7月到2021年7月間,她給780個組織捐款85億美元。她這樣做的重要原因之一是認為美聯儲的量化寬鬆政策使得富者越富(她本人2019年離婚時的股票價值356億美元,但2020年該股票已升值為620億美元)很不合理,因此她加大加快捐贈。這是說明「第三次分配」要靠特定價值觀(而非籠統的「靠社會」)的最新例子[6]。





在此,哈佛大學法學院龐德法理學講座教授昂格爾(Roberto Unger)在2019年出版的《知識經濟》一書或許對我們理解中國2008-2021年宏觀經濟政策演變有所啟發。昂格爾認為,經濟增長需要不斷突破供給約束和需求約束。但打破這兩類約束的過程既是「不連續」的(discontinuous),又是「不自主」
(heteronomous)的[8]。「不連續」是指突破一個供給或需求約束並不自發保證還能突破下一個約束。以需求約束為例:美國2007-2008年 「次貸危機」前的家庭債務擴張,未嘗不是突破需求約束的一種方法,但它不自動保證達到突破需求約束的下一個(更好的)的方法(例如,通過累進所得稅和社會公共支出來擴大需求)。「不自主」是指需求擴張和供給擴張之間沒有自發的對應關係。例如,即便需求擴張從家庭債務轉到了累進所得稅和社會公共支出,也並不能保證供給可以自發地從沒有技術創新轉到有技術創新。



在梳理了「供給側結構性改革」和「雙循環」裡「構建完整的內需體系」的互不替代又相互促進的關係之後,我們就可以更深刻的把握「共同富裕」綱領的意義:「共同富裕」的要義恰恰是在供給側和需求側同時發力。從供給側來看,共同富裕要求「包容性增長」。「包容性」一詞出現在新華社對2021年8月17日中央財經委員會會議的新聞通稿中,因為只有「包容性的增長方式」(如面向中小企業的普惠金融和數字紅利的城鄉共享),才能在「初次分配」上向「共同富裕」邁進。從需求側來看,共同富裕要求在「二次分配」上削減不必要的收入和財產的不平等。我們可以從政治哲學家羅爾斯的「正義論」來理解什麼是「不必要的不平等」。羅爾斯(John Rawls)的「正義論」中的「差異原則」是指:資源和機會應該平等配置,不平等只有在有利於社會中的弱勢群體時才是必要的,否則就應該削減不平等。這個「差異原則」背後的直覺非常簡單:不平等對強勢群體總是有利的,只有當它對弱勢群體也是有利之時(如科學技術創新者的收入高一些),才對社會整體有利,使得社會得以超越「在貧困中的平等」



[1] 漢克.托馬斯,克里斯.勞甘《蒙德拉貢:對現代工人合作制的經濟分析》,上海三聯書店,1991年。

[2] 華為員工持股和利潤分享的詳細情況,可參見「玖零管理研究院」微信公號以及「華為年報 2019」。

[3] “HUAWEI:A Case Study of When Profit Share Works”, https://hbr.org/2015/09/huawei-a-case-study-of-when-profit-sharing-works.

[4] 詳見《澎湃新聞》〈崔之元讀皮凱蒂〉,https://m.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_8955837。

[5] 彼得.布朗,《穿過針眼:財富,西羅馬帝國的衰亡和基督教會的形成350-550年》下卷,第589頁,社科文獻出版社,2021。

[6] 感謝劉岩提醒我注意這個案例。

[7] 習近平,《談治國理政》第二卷,第254頁。

[8] Roberto Unger, The Knowledge Economy, Verso, 2019, pp. 191-193.

[9] The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. VII, Cambridge
University Press, 2013, pp. xxiv.

[10] 劉世錦主編,《讀懂十四五:新發展格局下的改革議程》,中信出版集團,2021,第VI頁。

The New Trinity: Supply Side Reform, Dual Circulation and Common Prosperity

by Zhiyuan CUI

On August 17, 2021, The Chinese Communist Party’s
Central Fiscal and Economic Committee hold its Tenth meeting. The key message
of this meeting’s public announcement is to “promote common prosperity in the process of high-quality development”. This generates the competing interpretations both domestically and
internationally. In light of the recent tightening of regulations of high-tech
companies such Alibaba and Didi, some view the talking of “common prosperity” as a sign of China’s returning to the Maoist era by repressing private entrepreneurship.
The others see it differently. For them, the antitrust regulation against some
of high-tech companies are long over-due, and the announcement of “common prosperity” as a new policy
orientation indicates that China is moving out of the Chinese version of the
Gilded Age and toward a Chinese equivalent of the American Progressive Era.

Without denying there may be elements of truth in the above two
contrasting perspectives, I want to emphasize in the short essay that there is an internal logic running
from Supply Side Reform and Dual Circulation to Common
Prosperity. Simply put, both Say’s
law (supply-side reform) and Keynes’ Logic of domestic
demand management (Dual Circulation) are incomplete, and Common Prosperity is
proposed to work on both supply as well as demand side simultaneously.  

Let’s start with the notion of “supply side reform”. Using Baidu word
search, we cannot find any match of the word “supply
side”(供给侧) before November 11, 2015. Wu Jinglian, a prominent
economist in China, thinks the Chinese translation of Masahiko Aoki’s 2015 article “The New Normal of the Chinese Economy from the
Perspective of Comparative Economics”
first used the word “supply side reform”1, since the Japanese language has the “side” translated as “侧”。But I consider more likely
that the G20 Summit of 2014 when Australia was the president may have more
direct influence in the Chinese use of the word of “supply
side reform”, because the G20 “Brisbane
Action Plan” adopted in November 2014 explicitly called
for a series of “supply side reforms” of each member country in order to raise the level of world output
by 2 percent by 2018. 2 Whatever the sources of the Chinese term of “supply side reform”, it clearly addresses the problems of huge demand
stimulation policy adopted in 2009 as a response to the global financial crisis
of 2007-2008.

As Wu Jinglian emphasized, “aggregate demand has three components, namely consumption demand, investment demand and net export demand”, and “the dominant approach of post-2009 Chinese macroeconomic policy is demand management”. However, he and many other Chinese economists came to believe this Keynesian short-term demand management approach does not solve the deep structural problems of the Chinese economy. Wu Jinglian went so far as to claim that “it is wrong to use the Keynesian short-term analytical method to deal with the long-term problems of China”3.

On May 9, 2016, The People Daily interviewed an unnamed “authoritative figure” on the “supply side structural reform” who stressed “Three Reductions, One Lowering and One Improving”( “三去一降一补”). The meaning of this slogan is to reduce inventory, reduce
over-capacity and deleveraging, lowering costs and “improving
the weak links of production”(补短板). The point of supply side structural reform is to enhance the efficiency of capital
and labor inputs, rather than simply to maintain high growth rate by
stimulating investment, consumption and net export demands.

Some Western commentators viewed the Chinese supply side reform as Reagan’s echo4. This view is provocative enough that President
Xi Jinping himself offered a rebuttal. In his speech to the Central Party
School, Xi said that “the Western supply school
stresses supply will automatically create its own demand” and this has nothing to do with the Chinese supply side structural
reform5. Everyone familiar
with the history of economic thought would immediately recognizes that the
phrase “supply will automatically create
its own demand” refers to the so-called “Say’s Law”. This “law” is so important that Keynes defines his
“The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money” as against “Say’s

According to Thomas Sowell, there are 6 versions of Say’s Law. The 6th version states that “Disequilibrium
in the economy can exist only because the internal proportions of output differ
from consumers’ preferred mix—not because output is
excessive in the aggregate”7. Judging by this 6th version, there are still some flavors of Say’s Law in the Chinese thinking of supply side reform,
since it is quite common in the policy documents to read sayings like “there is no insufficient demands, but only that the change of supply
does not follow quickly enough the change of demand”
— in other words, the problem is mix, rather than aggregate.  But overall speaking, it is fair to say that the
Chinese supply side reform is not inspired by Say’s Law.

This leads us to an interesting observation. The Chinese policy makers and
economists in the inner circle seem to realize the limitations of both
Keynesian demand management and supply side reform based on Say’s Law. Maybe they come to the same conclusions
independently as Roberto Unger of Harvard Law School:

of the constraints on demand and on supply are heteronomous. By this I mean
that no automatic correspondence exists between an advance from one basis for
the expansion of demand or supply and a corresponding advance on the other
side, of supply or demand. It does not follow from an advance in supporting
demand, from one basis for such an advance to another basis (for example, from
increasing purchasing power by encouraging household debt to increasing it
through progressive taxation and social spending), that we will achieve a
corresponding advance on the supply side of the economy (for example, from an
expansion of supply without productivity-enhancing innovations to one with

From this line of thinking, it is not a surprise to find out that the new
development strategy of “Dual
Circulation” returns to the domestic demand management
again in 2020. Let’s look at the context how the “Dual Circulation” was proposed.  On April 17,2020,  the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party held a meeting in which a new
policy of “six protections ” (六保) has been announced. In fighting
against the adverse economic consequences of Covid-19, the Politburo said, the
first priority is to protect people’s employment. The
other five protections are: protecting people’s basic
livelihood, protecting market entities (avoiding too much bankruptcies),
protecting food and energy security, protecting supply chain of industries and
protecting the functioning of the local society. At the same day, the Chinese
State Statistical Bureau published the data of the 2020 first quarter GDP
growth rate—negative 6.8%. It was the first time the
growth rate turned negative in China since 1976. Obviously, the more aggressive
measures to fight Covid-19 are called for. It may not be an accident that the
Politburo meeting and the State Statistical Bureau’s
announcement was held in the same day.

On April 20, the State Statistical Bureau published another set of data.
The important thing to notice is that urban employment declined by 6% in China
in the first quarter of 2020. In 2019, the Chinese urban employment population
was 440 million, so the 6% decline means 26.4 million people exited from labor
market due to Covid-19. These people are most rural migrant workers who
returned to the countryside since they could not work in the cities during
Covid-19. Technically, they are not counted as “unemployed”, but obviously they
should be a main concern for achieving the “first
protection” (namely, protecting employment) goal of the

On May 23, 2020, Xi visited the delegation of members of the economic affairs of
the 13th Political
Consultative Conference and announced that “satisfying
domestic demand is the starting and the ending points, we must speed up
constructing a complete domestic demand system”.

On the surface of it, the “dual
circulation” (domestic and international circulations,
with the main focus on domestic) seems to return to the 2009 style Keynesian
demand management. But if the above analysis is correct, the Chinese decision
makers have realized that no automatic mutual adjustment of demand and supply.
Both Say’s Law and the Keynesian short-term demand
management are insufficient. Supply does not create its own demand, and demand
does not create its own supply. We need a continuous process of institutional
and policy innovations to break the constraints of supply and demand.

From this perspective, we can see the inner logic linking Common Prosperity with supply side reform and dual
circulation: Common Prosperity has crucial effects on both supply and demand
sides. On the supply side, the point of common prosperity is to promote inclusive
growth: to enlarge the access to economic resources and opportunities of the
mass (for example, to enlarge the access to credits to small and medium sized
enterprises). On the demand side, by reducing the unnecessary income and wealth
inequality the consumption demand of the mass will be increased9. Thus, the
trinity may be emerging: Supply Side Reform, Dual Circulation and Common Prosperity.

1.Wu Jinglian, Preface to “三去一降一补:深化供给侧结构性改革”(中信出版集团,2017),第 VI 页。The Chinese translation of Aoki’s
paper appears in the journal “比较”,No.77, March 2015.

2.David Vines, “On
Concerted Unilateralism: Raising the Global Growth Rate through Macroeconomic
Policy Coordination”, Asia Pacific Journal of Economic Literature, 2015

3.Wu Jinglian, ibid, p.V.

Chinese Echo?”, The Economist, February 2016.


6.In his Preface to the French edition of “The General Theory”, Keynes
states that “it is a final break away from the
doctrines of J.B.Say”.

7.Thomas Sowell, “Classical
Economics Reconsidered”

8.Roberto M. Unger, “The
Knowledge Economy”, Verso, 2019, P.193

9.See Thomas Piketty, “Capital
and Ideology”, Harvard University Press, 2019.